Auction |
Public Sale in which articles are sold to maker of highest bid |
Auctioneers |
One whose business is to conduct auctions. |
Announcer / Crier |
Who conducts the auction sale |
Bid Sheets |
Statement showing lot no, Description of material, Approx. Qty, Name of the Successful Purchaser & address, Rate Per Unit, highest Bid, Deposit, Balance amount, Rate of Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Delivery Schedule, signature & Name of the Purchaser & signature of the auction committee. |
Bidders / Purchasers/Buyers |
Who purchase material under sale in auction |
Bidding |
The offers received during auction. |
Committee Members |
Officials of the company who form a committee & give the decision on behalf of the Company during auction. |
Reserve Price / Upset Value |
Value of items under sale as decided by auction committee. |
As is where is |
As it is. |
Ministry of environment & Forest, Govt. Of India (Valid License) which issues license for recycling of certain scrap material. |
Sale release order |
Confirmation of sale by Company. |
Ground Rent |
Rent recoverable from Purchaser, who fails to lift the purchased material within stipulated time |
Fall of Hammer |
Striking of criers hammer to show that a bid is finally accepted |
Catalogue |
Booklet giving details of auction being held |
Lot |
Group/ Stack of material under sale |
No bid |
No offer received during auction |
Withdraw/deleted |
Remove from the list of items declared for sale |
Earnest Money Deposit |
Forfeit |
Penalty for breach of contract |
Subject to Approval |
Decision given after consulting the final authority |
Subject to Confirmation |
Confirmation after consulting the final authority |